My initial thought in writing this post was to act happy. “I can’t believe summer and lockdown at my home are over. But I know this year will be amazing.” Blah, blah, blah. But all my surface-level words would be me beating the bush. So, let’s talk- really talk- briefly about my summer, blog, and moving back to college (Side note- HOW am I already a senior?!).
My summer technically started in May once my study abroad online courses ended. My sister and I got into a healthy groove, which consisted of clean eating and working out daily. I’m grateful for my newfound love for healthy living. Not that I didn’t enjoy eating whole foods and challenging my body before COVID times, but I finally have a positive relationship with food and my body that I previously didn’t.
My Social Media Internship at Legacy Food Hall in Plano, Texas, allowed me to have a more of a routine this summer. The tight-knit team in my office was incredibly welcoming and inspiring as I worked on old skills and learned new ones. Some days were busier and harder than others, but I look back on those ten weeks feeling accomplished and proud of myself for being persistent.
Does anyone else feel like quarantine helped you decide what you want to keep and change in life? I felt like these months of not “hustling” taught me to accept and love myself. Again, not like I didn’t do so before, but I was able to work through emotions and focus on the present.
As a result, I became passionate about blogging and being vulnerable on my social channels. I think so many of us Gen X’ers overthink social media and life in general and end up conforming to what everyone is doing and posting. Once I accepted and came to know myself more than ever, I dropped this toxic expectation and acted/posted in ways that were true to myself. I’ll elaborate on this topic more in an upcoming entry!
Officially moving into my college home has me genuinely worried. Worried that students won’t take proper precautions. I hate that this is our reality. Does anyone like it? No, lol. These next few weeks will be telling of the impact open campuses have on the spread of COVID. Crossing my fingers everything will be fine.
I think this was my longest post yet, but I had to get all this off my chest rather than bottling it in! Thanks for reading and best of luck to anyone starting school this fall. Also, big shoutout/thank you to my mom, dad and any parents who helped move their students into dorms and houses. You all don’t get enough credit!
Until next time,